Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rock Out (3)


pard1959 said...

Not a big thing, gotta get a spell checker for your cartoons. Two typos that I see... It tends to assuage your overall message.

On a positive note, you captured the essence of being me. I've never smoked; and, therefore, never held a lighter up at a concert. But I've certainly stood by a bunch of folks doing it during the 70's and 80's. And interestingly, the last concert I went to, everybody was holding up cell phones. It was surreal.

Thumbs up, Matt!

kidcardco said...

Are you seeking employment with our company sir?! Mis-spellings indeed!! Ha ha. I know what you're talking about. But you know my one minute rule! If I don't catch it at the begining it stays!

Thank you for your concern though.

Anonymous said...

he didn't spell beginning right during his comment either...tsk tsk

Unknown said...

ok, I mean no offense, but that last panel, with the guy looking up, well, his jaw just seems..."unwholesome" to me.