Monday, March 03, 2008

I wanna be in a rock band. After going to a concert this weekend I realized this. I don't really care if we make it, just to perform LIVE in front of all those people (maybe even record an demo album) would be cool.
Oh well.
My weekend went great I hope yours went the same as well.
Comics start back tomorrow!


Kimber said...

aw honey! you don't know how happy it made me that you posted this pic. and how much i needed it. i love you!

pard1959 said...

Wait a tick! I didn't get an invite to go to the rock show. Oh, I's just a four-piece band. Rock on, dudes!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could con Jordan into letting you join his band.

Anonymous said...

Ha I was just thinking the same thing anonymous! You know the magic mirrors are getting pretty big here in Moscow. No joke

T-Money said...

Who's that sexy guy who's obviously the lead singer? You know, cause he's sitting down and in front. Like a lead singer should be.

Kajsa Wilkins said...

Yeah but if you joined Jordan's band, you'd have to grow your hair out down to your shoulders, and wear tight pants.:)