This seems to be playing out to be everyone's favorite kind of post so I guess I'll just keep doing it like this every Friday until people get tired of it. (which should be any minute now....)
Work goes well. I'm on the hunt today for new employee's. I need to build up my team because as of right now I have the least amount of people out of all 6 teams! It's even going to get smaller when I fire a few more next Friday. (is that too cold-hearted to say?)
I can't help it though. The boss is mad I kept them this far. I just have to give people that one last chance to make it, you know? Anyway, if they can't cut it by next week (which sadly some are looking that way) I'll have to bring down the axe.
Having so much control over a job is never really something I thought I'd ever have. I mean, sure I'd get responsibilties but with my supervisor slowing stepping out of her position at work (she's pregnant and won't be back after the baby's born) that puts me directly over my team. I make the decisions, I make the rules, I get to run the team as I see fit.
Is there pressure? Oh yes. If I can't do my job successfully they'll put someone else in. If I do well? They'll promote me. Wild stuff man.
But what's truly odd about the whole thing is now I'M the boss. Stuff you'd usually partake in (i.e. practical jokes around the office) I have to frown on. I write them up if they come in late or do something else wrong. I even had to rat on a few fo them yesterday because I knew they were doing the wrong thing. Not fun folks.
You can be friends with these people, you just can't be their "friend". Like I can't hang out with them as much as I would if I was just a regular guy on the sales floor. Because then they want favors. Like leaving work early, or being able to skip a day so they can sleep in etc, ect... I've had that happen before and each time I've said "no" Then they play the whole "thought we were friends" card and try to convince me to change my mind. But it never works and they once again see me as just "the boss".
But I wonder what they say when I'm not around. "He doesn't understand how hard this is!" "What makes him so important!" You know, the kind of stuff we all say about our boss. (well sometimes)
Ok this post went way too long. Didn't even mean for it to go down this route but oh well. That's why blog's were originally made right? People post online diaries for strangers to read and hope they get interested with their modern day life.
That's why I like sticking to comic strips!
Have a good weekend folks!
Samson needs a job. He'll say whatever you tell him to say and you can pay him in M&Ms.
Oh, that was good.
Yeah, management sucks. It's one thing disciplining like, your own kids or something, but when you have to do it to adults, that's just a pain. Been there, done that - to some extent. I hate being the bad guy.
do you ever watch the show THE OFFICE? It's glorious, but the boss on that show is sooooooooo rediculous and lame and triiiiiiiies to be sooo cool all the time and it's just discusting. I suggest watchin' it some time, it's beautiful.
Thursdays at 8 on NBC. The Office. Watch it. It'll make your life worth living, I promise.
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