Monday, February 27, 2006

There and back again

Ahhh..... it's so good to be back folks. I have some amazing stories to tell and comic strips to write about my cruise. It was wonderful!! And it's something I'll probably be talking about for months. But for this week we'll just keep sticking to those fan request you gave me last month. I've still got about 3 more left I'm going to do before I take you on.... my cruise!!

Other than that, it's good to be back in town. Already someone from my workplace has called in sick. (on my first day back imagine) So it looks like things are back together. Now all I need to do is go up to work and see what else has gone wrong. (whoop-e)


Anonymous said...

i'm lovin that caption man...and excited you had a great time...we'll talk about it in May :)

Anonymous said...

"what else has gone wrong?" what's with the negative ways man!
hey glad you had a good time, welcome back!

kidcardco said...

Thanks, I'm glad I'm back as well. I missed me very much. : )