Thursday, May 05, 2005

Top 10

So in two weeks, the movie to end all movies comes out.

Star Wars Episode 3 "Revenge of the Sith"

I hope you're like me and picked up your tickets for the midnight showing weeks ago.

I went up to the counter and when was asked which showing I'd like (the 12:05 or the 12:10) I easily responded with "The first viewing possible!!"


I can't go to the 12:10

That one starts 5 minutes too late.

I've already asked work for the day off as well.

But today (and over the next few weeks) I'm going to be running down a list of hollywood actors that should have appeared in the final film as guest star appearances as Jedi and what their role would have been in the movie.

Today we'll tackle the bottom 3.

(no pics, sorry about that but they wouldn't laod)

10) Ed Norton- (Fight Club) Wonderful actor, one of my favorites, I'm sure his line to Vader would have been "I want you to hit me as hard as you can!"

9) Johnny Depp- (Pirates of the Carribean) Nothing beats a Johnny Depp performance and since Lucas is the director, this would be Depp's most challeging role. To act well under someone who even makes Ewan McGregor come off flat.

8) Jackie Chan- (Around the World in 80 Day) He's the man, what more can I say. I'd love to see this man in Episode 3. Unfortunantly I'm afriad all his stunts would turn out to be CG, knowing Lucas. So maybe he wouldn't be such a bright idea anyway.

Ok, that's all for now. We'll have 3 more for you tomorrow as the countdown continues.....

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