I just wanted to give a little review of the new play that is at Strauss, Thoroughly Modern Millie. We went to the preview showing on Tuesday not really knowing what to expect. It turned out to be a good one to open the season with.
The director, Jon Baccarini, took an amazing cast of people who devoted a lot of their time and energy and made a great show. There were lots of highlights of the show, and to name a few, the guys who danced as "Muzzy's guys" were amazing!! Also, I have seen Elizabeth Bennett (Millie) and Brent Miller (Jimmy) in ULM's production of "Anything Goes", but this (in my opinion) is by far their best work yet. The show was full of energy throughout the entire production, the set was great, the costumes looked good, and there were two Branson guys who left me laughing and amazed by speaking Chinese. I don't think there could have been a better cast!
On the other hand, there were a little mess ups. Now, we are aware that technology messes up from time to time and that is understandable, so I won't go into the spotlights and the mics. There were a couple of times when backdrops would begin to drop and take away from what was going on on stage. Clearly it wasn't time for that to happen. Also another disappointing thing were a couple of the dancers. We understand some had to be brought in to help with the dancing, but they were hardly together. The background/chorus group were, but you couldn't see it. I tried to look past the front row of dancers, but when they are looking to figure out what to do next, it takes away from the others. But, I did find myself watching one on the end who showed enthusiasm and when messed up, she didn't let us notice it. I think the theatre group could have handled the dancing and Samantha Matherne proved that with some amazingly awesome tap dancing skills.
Overall, the show is wonderful and I recommend people to see it. Performances are this weekend and next weekend at the Strauss Theatre Center and tickets are $25. For more information contact the theatre at 318-323-6681.