Thursday, March 06, 2025

Coke Orange Cream (tricked again!)

 I'm a sucked for a new flavor and when I saw this, I picked up a bottle....thinking it just said "orange" I was crushed when I got home and read the "creme" part. 

I tasted awful. This must be a popular flavor though, I heard so many people talk about "orange creme" this and that, so it shouldn't surprise me that Coke tried it out themselves. 

I also think they've made this in the past. But I don't know since I'm sure I didn't try it last time....back when I could read. 

Anyway, that's all for today!

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (season 2)

 After forgetting I was even watching this over 3 years ago, I started my journey in completing the show. 

The had a "previously on" which helped me catch up and remind me what had happened. The show isn't as funny as the other Dreamworks shows but every so often it has a sentimental moment and is filled with action. 

The writers have a plan I'm assuming. This show appears to have wrapped up around the same time the 4th movie arrived in theaters. Though none of these adventures are referenced, at least they were considerate enough not to have 2 stories going on at the same time. 

They did provide an origin story for Ping (Panda's Dad) which I'm sure will come to fruition in the final season. 

Overall the show is so-so, but my kids are really enjoying it and it only goes one more season, so I guess I'll finish it and give my final thoughts then. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Dr Pepper Blackberry

 Finally had a chance to try this out. Not bad. Worth getting once but still not the best they've had. Darkberry (blueberry) had been my favorite variant from Dr Pepper so far. But I don't hear calls from fans to bring it back so I guess we have to wait for next year when it's....Peach?

Who knows? 

Monday, March 03, 2025

Earl Weaver Baseball for Amiga by Electronic Arts

A game I played for countless hours as a kid. 

Good times!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Bye Bye

 Early this month, my long time website finally closed down. 

It was too costly and took too much time to keep up with. With articles posting 5 days a week, traffic had picked up massively on it. According to my IT guy, the reason for the price increase was to keep up with the increased traffic over the years. 

I didn't realize how much it had grown, but daily articles kept people coming back more frequently. My highest interactions were with the articles. Followed by my timeline, then the quote bank. I was surprised because about 96% came for the articles. 3% for my timeline and 1% the quotes. 

Our highest months were typically March-May and our lowest were usually the three that followed. June-August. But the real of the year was pretty solid and overall we broke records for each following year. 

So why shut it down? Not many people were interested in posting articles anymore. I was surprised to hear from a few people who down played the articles completely and said it wasn't what the site was originally supposed to be for. 

But I always imagined it to be like from back in the good ole days. When daily articles kept you coming back for me and where any EU fan could write something about what they love about the EU, but I guess that was just me. 

I will say there was one faithful writer who offered to split the cost with me to keep it going. He's a good guy and for a moment I thought about taking him up on his offer but ultimately decided it was time for the site to fade. 

Just another chapter in the EU fandom. May it be remembered well by most. 

Have a good weekend folks!   

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Sleeping on your Back

 Last month I started sleeping on my back. I used to be a side sleeper with a pillow between my knees but for some reason, that's become very uncomfortable to me. So now I'm sleeping on my back. Something that (to my knowledge) has never happened before. 

I'm not sure why that is. But whatever the reason, I'm a back sleeper now. 

I know, weird but I had nothing better to talk about today so I thought I'd go ahead and mention it. 

What about you? Do you sleep on your back, side or stomach? Sometimes I could fall asleep on my stomach but in the middle of the night would turn back on my side. 

Anyway, that's all for today. Sleep well, no matter which way it is!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

DCAU Shorts

 Anyone who knows me. knows I LOVE the DC Animated Universe. So when I thought I'd watched everything from it a few years back, imagine my shock to discover there were STILL 2 shorts I had never seen until this month. Here's my thoughts:

Justice League: First Mission

This was a DVD extra from season 1 which shows the "promo reel" that was given to executives to greenlight the show. Mainly, no talking just random shots of the Justice League taking out a threat. 4 minute films wasn't really worth it but when I'd read what it was about, I knew it wouldn't be. 

Batman Beyond even came out with a short to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman. This extremely short cartoon, shows Terry and Bruce fighting off a batman robot, then discovering many more have entered the Batcave. Each one bearing a different look once held by the caped crusader. Sure it only serves as a salute but I wish it would've been a little more. Overall it was just ho-hum.

But now at least I can safely say that I've seen everything the DCAU had to give.