Thursday, October 17, 2024

Red vs Blue

 I used to watch this back in the day. I stopped after season 5. 

A few months ago I heard the 19th and final season came out this year. 

I had no idea the series was still running 20 years after its creation! So I decided to try watching ALL of the seasons. 

I only made it to season 5. 

The show is hilarious and the first 4 seasons are virtually perfect. The humor is excellent and though season 5 let's the "storyline" get in the way of more silly moments of the two teams goofing off, it still finishes strong and overall is a great story arc. 

I tried watching season 6 and it appears from this moment on, the series tries to take itself more serious and making a "cinematic" dramady out of the series which loses the main ingrediant of what made it so special in the first place. It never took itself serious. 

Trying to build a story with little humor, buries the fun of watching. I felt like I was being forced to watch someone play a video game and make up their own story along the way. I was bored and didn't make it to the halfway point of season 6 to realize this series wasn't for me. 

Again, I love the first 5 seasons. The story ends and you can walk away never having to wondeer what happened to your favorite goofballs in a world galaxies away. 

But believe me...if you watch even further, you'll find out they became miserable attention-seeking characters that tried to take themselves serious when all fans wanted was something to laugh about. 

Too bad.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cherry RC

 At long last I got to try this flavor after years of searching for it. And I found it by total accident. 

It was at my local Family Dollar. $6 for 18 pack. Such a good deal that I almost bought 2 cases but decided to try it first. I'm glad I did. 

It's good. But just cherry flavored RC, nothing more special than that. I'm happy to have tried it, but after this I'll go back to drinking the regular brand I think. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

RC Berries and Cream

 Had no idea Dollar General had exclusive sodas in its stores. I knew they had Jolt for a short time and I didn't even know. Well the same goes for this little flavor. 

It's pretty tasty, comes in a tall can and sells for $1! I wish RC would make a bigger push mainstream and go up against these other sodas. I truly believe RC could increase its market share if an effort were made. 

I don't know if it's still in stores but I can tell you I loved it when I bought a few last month. 

Good stuff! Here's to hoping they have more exclusive flavors in the meantime!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Krystal burgers

 I'm the only one in my family that loves them and I don't care. They're excellent! We had them when we were kids growing up in Ms. But in La, they don't have any spots so I only get them on those rare occasions I visit the state. 

Little sliders aren't much but tasty enough to grab a bag when I'm passing through. Any leftovers when I get home I like to spice up with extra pickles, mustard and a few different sauces I have around the kitchen. These puppies are delish!! Just wish we had a place closer to us I could ge them more often!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Snack Review III


I tried it. 

Couldn't help myself. 

On sip of the coke and I was good. Taste like Oreos mixed with diabetes. Thankfully, my kids finished off the rest. 

Although when it came to the cookies....after one bite they never finished them. 

Yes. Disgusting. Taste like molasses mixed with peppermint. Really strange flavor. 

"A" for effort "D" for delivery. 

These will NEVER be coming back. So if you want to try them, get it now. 

Or come by my house...I still have a few cookies left. 

Snack review II

 In my quest to find something that taste like my favorite dessert I found these. 

I love pop tarts even though my kids hate them. I tried it....meh. You can taste the flavor but after the first pack, I found myself wanting the actually pie instead. 

I'm just happy to find something that's not "pumpkin spice" which is the most popular flavor this time of year. 

Snack Review

 Was really excited about these when I picked them up. But for the life of me I couldn't taste the difference between these and the regular flavor. Honestly....tasted the exact same. 

Even passed them around to all my co-workers and they felt the same way too. 

What a dud!

Classic commercial


Friday, October 11, 2024

State flag

 Was driving through Mississppi recently and thought about how much I hate the new flag. It doesn't have an identity or even look like a State Flag. It even looks ugly. 

Now I'm an old man who grew up with the old flag so I'm very sentimental I know, but it just looks better to me. I bought one years ago when I moved away and still have it to this day. I also have a flag pole with an american flag which has seen better days and needs to be replaced, so maybe I'll replace it with my old stat flag? 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

500 Days of Summer (re-view)

 I saw this years ago when it first came out but haven't seen it since. My nephew wanted to watch it one night so we put it on. 

So good. 

Fun story of a man trying to get over an ex-girlfriend. It has one of the best scenes in movie history showing what he felt like the day after they slept together. Hilarious. 

It's a forgotten classic that I get to appreciate once again and I'm thankful for that. I need to go back through my mind and try to remember other gems from my past that deserve a re-watch like this one. 

Well worth your time, whether you've seen it before or not!

NLCS here we come!






LET'S GOOOOOOOO METS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!