Saturday, June 22, 2013

Man of Kill review

Megan drug me to the movie theatre this past weekend to watch the worst movie I've seen so far this year.

This Superman movie isn't the worse. Superman Returns will always hold that record. But it ranks up there however.

Did you like the movie? Why??

First off we have a 20 minute sci-fi film showing life on Krypton . They got to show us cool space ship battles, laser guns and even Jor'El riding a space dragon! Unfortunanly this was an elaborate set up for a story line that wasn't needed. They just wanted to show a space battle. This time could've been better used to establish Superman's past. (Which they treated like a Momento movie)


So we start off in the confusing way ever as Superman is on a fishing boat. Why? Because we had to set up a scene showing off his strength. Seriously, that was the only point. They never told us how he came to be there or why. He just is. Now if at the end of the movie he'd gone back to working the sea in a low key position (instead of glasses at the Daily Planet) I'd have been all up for it. But no. It was just set up for a "cool" scene.

Didn't you love how the story line was so choppy they had to insert "flashbacks" to help move the story from scene to scene? It felt like a bunch of people got in a room and said "You know what would be cool for Superman to do?" and they came up with a few independent scenes for the movie and the director said "Geez, how am I going to make this all make sense? I got it! I'll just insert flashbacks through out the movie and pray people don't notice it!"

Good job sir. It worked on a lot of people in the theater.

Flash forward to Lois Lane who spends....days? Weeks? Months? Tracking down the origin of Superman and after all the time and money she finally does. But after Supes tells her a story about his past Lane decides to DROP IT?! WHAT?!

This makes no sense in a movie that has clearly established Lane to be a hard nosed reporter that takes her job with the utmost importance. Did the audience suddenly forget her introductory scene where she tells the military general in so many words "to stuff it" because there's a story here and she's getting it!

Oh and when she does, Perry refuses to print it so what does she do? Go behind his back and have someone else print the story for her. Because "people need to know the truth". Well I guess not Miss Lane if all of the sudden you're willing to bury a story you've been working hard on for a while because someone told you a sob story about their life.

Once you leave another flash back you come to Lane and Supes standing in the middle of a desert. (yeah, really confusing I know) Zod is landing to pick up Supes but for some unexplained reason he wants Lane to come too. Why? We never find out.

It's just another story plot where the writers needed Lane on the ship so she could meet Jor'El and find out how to stop Zod. Really, no other reason than that. But they couldn't be creative, they just put her on the ship and hoped no one in the audience noticed the big plot hole.

Once again....well done hollywood. Not many noticed.

Action after action scene happens after that. After a confusing "dream" sequence Superman starts fighting one villain after the next. I laughed out loud when I saw the "big" alien appear. He'd never been introduced in the story before that and it's obvious he was set up to be another "cool fight scene" for the movie. It served no point and reminded me of the classic scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where a no name villain appears out of no where to fight Indy but instead of an elaborate fight scene, Speilburg slyly slips in a comedy shot of Indy shooting him with his gun and walking away.

Too bad it wasn't that easy for Supes.

I can't even speak of the ridiculous "terra-forming" machines plot point but I did chuckle when I remembered Jor'El's voice telling Superman earlier that "You were meant to save them"

Really?! Because Zod would never have come to earth in the first place if it wasn't for Supes. Maybe Jor'El should have said was "You will be a giant pain in their ass."  

Fast forward to the unnecessary final showdown between Zod and Supes where Zod tries to kill this people we care nothing for and Supes ends up having to kill him in anguish. Um....none of that made sense. I actually heard a few people in a Monroe audience left before this fight scene because they though the movie had gone on too long by them and was crap.

Score one for those folks.

The scene makes no sense. When Superman slammed into Zod at his home in Smallville he didn't seem too concerned about killing him. In fact, I'm pretty sure that was intention through out that entire scene. But now that he has him by the neck he...doesn't want to all of the sudden?!

"Oh but he did it to save those people!" you say. Ok, let's think about that..Metropolis is flattened, so it looks like millions of people have already died. Did Superman at any time stop his fight against Zod to (I don't know) stop one of the 237 falling buildings we saw in the film? Nah. He had other things on his mind. Let'em fall!

And why did they want us to care about the Perry White/Reporters side story? Perry had only 2 scenes earlier and the reporters we basically nameless until then, so why give them a side story unless... oh yeah. Another plot point. Mix the action in with a little suspense.

Don't believe me? Then off the top of your head right now, call out the name of either reporter that was with Perry White.


Ok, that's my rant for the day. Superman sucks. I knew it would not let's move on and pray they don't make enough to turn this shlock into a sequel

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