Saturday, June 29, 2013

Introducing: Elves

Ladies and Gentlemen, it give me much pleasure to announce the newest project I've taken on. "Elves" will be the Christmas show this year at the Strauss Theatre.

Why does that matter? Because I wrote (and will direct it) for them this December! After many months of hammering out a script "by Jove" I've got it!

The project was given the "greenlight" a few weeks ago I just have been too busy to announce it yet. You should start seeing this ad pop up on their website soon.

Even though the play is written, I still have a lot to work on. Such as the music, costume design and set layout. But I'm hoping to have it all completed by the end of the summer so we'll be ready to roll when auditions come along some time in October.

I'm super excited about it and just wanted to tell you the news!

Switching topics real quick, my dinner theatre "The Deadly Briefcase" has been called back to do another performance run tonight. It's for a private party so sorry, tickets aren't available for this one.

Also, for any of you wondering. My "I Love Lucy" play is slated to debut as the season opener for "Murder is Served" in 2014. I'm sure the lines for those tickets will be of Star Wars cinema proportions.

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