Thursday, June 13, 2013

Grunge Style, and why it's still awsome today!

Ok so last week I spoke about the typical 80's fashions of what's still hot and what's not. This week, I want to address one other style I LOVED back in the day and still love to this day.

Using Kurt Cobain as an example is pretty close to what I mean but there are a few extra features to point out.

Grunge was all about feeling comfy in the worn clothes you always wear. For instance, our jeans weren't cut on purpose. They got that way over several months of hard use. (just when jeans are comfiest!) Throw on some old boots maybe an over sized shirt and a flannel shirt tied around the waist and we're good to go!!

DANG I LOVED THIS FASHION! The Mrs can tell you I still have a few shirts left over from those days and they're some of my favorite clothes I wear!

I had to throw my grunge jeans out last year but the material was so worn by then it'd started evaporating into thin air. But oh the good ole 90's grunge!

Any other styles you missed?

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