Friday, September 01, 2017

Thor spinoffs

Looks like Thor was so popular at one point that they gave his B-characters their own spinoffs. Check it out!

 One of Thor's fighting buddies got his own miniseries (which they mentioned in Thor EVERY month it was out, trying to get folks to buy it) Thankfully my collection came with it (or should I say "unfortunately"?) and I got to read it.

Nothing much happens but that he needs to get back to Thor. Weird.
Yet not as weird as this one. Hercules is of course from Greek Mythology, he's like Thor but less cool. When they gave him his mini-series they set it almost 400 years in the future. I have no idea why someone thought this would be a good idea. It was weird and probably influenced by Star Wars, since everyone was in to sci-fi at the time. I was confused reading it the whole way through.

Ok folks, that's all for now!

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