Wednesday, July 29, 2015

More toys from the past!

I found a few more toy from my childhood I wanted to share today:

 You hit the keys and their mouths open as if they're singing the notes themselves! I remember playing this one at our old church nursery I think.
 And though we never had this, my neighbor did and I thought it was the coolest kit ever! We used to put water in the medicine bottle and pretend it was health potion from Zelda.
 We had these too. Played with them for hours on no end. Don't know why but they were extremely fun to play with!
The Fisher Price Movie Viewer.

Completely forgot about it until doing a random search online for toys the other day and re-discovered it! My cousins had this and I thought it was so awesome! All you did was slide the cartridge into the back of the viewer and crank the handle to turn the pictures. Afterwards you rewound the whole thing and picked up the next one.

Fun toy, but the one that blew my nostalgia up past 100 was this...

Pop-up Pinball machine!!!!! I've been looking for this toy online for years and could never remember the name of it until I stumbled across it last month. I LOVED this toy growing up. I can't tell you how many times I played it either, it was SO fun!

Ok, that's my little stroll down memory lane. Thanks for walking it with me!

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