Friday, June 12, 2015

Survivor Heroes vs Villians

I loved this season. And it was the 2nd time ever that I'd guessed the winner on the first episode. Sandra Diaz won again and she deserved it too. Making a lot of smart moves at the end which cemented her victory.

It's easier to guess the winner of these because I already know the players so well. I liked the idea and set up for this season and of course love seeing my favorites return.

Coach redeemed himself in the audiences eyes as not being so bad. Even Jerri cooled down a bit. Parvati STILL sucks, Amanda was "blah" the whole time. Sugar was voted out first (loved it) and Candace was still as forgettable as ever. (they would ask her back AGAIN though) Ugh!

Courtney couldn't make it as far without Bryan from Survivor China making the decisions for her, Cirie being labeled as a "hero" still confuses me to this day and I believe EVERYONE forgot who Danielle was though I knew she wouldn't win without Aras's protection from her previous season.

Randy was back but his stay was short. (sadly) Colby was back but he just wasn't the same. Older, slower and more angry and fussy than fun. Tom made it back too but didn't stay long either.

James was back but didn't make any memorable moments. Boston Rob was back and him getting outsmarted by Hantz MADE MY DAY!

JT was back but couldn't hang in there either. Rupert made himself look like a bigger idiot (Idiot Award winner by the way) and I never want to see him on the show again. Turns out once was quite enough for him.

Tyson came back and was victim of one of the most brilliant moves in Survivor history as Russell once AGAIN dominated the game and Stephanie was back for reasons I'm at a loss to explain.

Hantz won this outright but for the 2nd time wasn't given the title because of all the hurt feelings he made in the game. Sucks too. He deserved it both times.

Fun Facts:

Stephanie married Phillies pitcher Kyle Kendrick shortly after this season aired. (Yuck!)

And I knew Russell wasn't going to win this season based on the look he had during the Reunion show of the last season. He looked mortified and knowing he had just filmed Heroes vs Villains while Samoa aired I knew HE knew he didn't win the next season either.

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