Monday, June 22, 2015

Survivor Camamoan

The year Cochran won it and won it quite easily. (now the producers won't have to ask him back)

Andrea, Brenda and Corinne came back to play the game and no one cared. Dawn played much better this time around and Erik's still an idiot. Though I may give the Idiot Award to Matt because he was completely clueless as to how Survivor is played. I have no idea how he made it through auditions.

Hurting for strong black females, the producers asked Francesca back again even though she was the FIRST to be voted off her first season on and history repeated itself as she was voted off again by her tribe and was the first to go! (good riddance) I thought it was stupid to bring her back in the first place.

Reynold played a good game but lost control of it in the end and Malcolm went for broke and made some brilliant plays in the game but couldn't make it in the end.

Best moment was the bluff to vote Phillip out that turned into a real thing when Phillip called their bluff saying they wouldn't play the idols. But they did and Phillip went home with his head KNOWINGLY on the chopping block. A bold move but a strong one to be sure. I applaud Phillip for it. I'm afraid I would have caved in like everyone else does in those situations.

Most hated for me was Sherri. She did nothing in the game but ride coat tails and I hate anyone who plays to win that way. Thankfully she didn't receive a single vote in the end.

Overall, Cochran's win was greatly overshadowed by all the drama that went down in this season.

Fun Fact:

As of 2015 Malcolm is currently dating past contest So Kim from Survivor One World. Survivor cupid strikes again!

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