Monday, May 14, 2012

Shows that went on too long

I've talked about TV shows that didn't go long enough, so what about shows that should have stopped when they were ahead? Here are a few: The X-Files
I loved this show. But after the movie it was obvious the writers and Chris Carter knew where to go with the story. Like a story written by JJ Abrams, it started off well thought out, but ended up in misery. I'll say this one should have gone 5 seasons instead of the 9 it dragged us all through. Smallville
I hate Superman, but Clark Kent isn't the reason to watch this show. It was Lex Luthor and by the 6th season this show had dragged on so long even Lex couldn't make it interesting enough. So instead of going the agonizing 10, this one should've left when Michael Rosenaum did. Battlestar Galactica
When I saw the first season, I wanted to buy them all right then and there. I watched season 2 and thought the very same thing. I saw season 3 and I decided to wait and see how things ended before I bought it and by season 4 I was glad I didn't. This show took a nose dive and should've gone 2 seasons (maybe a 3rd if they wrapped things up) By the end of this show, you hated just about everyone and discovered "Man's last chance of survival" was 50% Cylon. Dollhouse
This show went 2 seaons and should've gone 2 episodes, because by then you'd lost all prior respect for Joss Whedon's writing talent. I had such high hopes for this series and I wasn't the only one who saw their hero gone down in flames with this show. What do you think? Any other shows I missed?

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