Monday, August 07, 2023

Survivor Australia: Champions vs Contenders

 An interesting season. 

American Survivor Legend Russell Hanz was in this season but didn't last long because the whole tribe didn't want him on their team. 

Russell had even found an idol, but like a moron, kept it instead of playing it and went home. Because of this embarrassing performance Russell HATES this season and has been very vocal against it. But in reality, he got outplayed early and a lot of air was let out of the show from the very beginning. 

Though not as good as the past 2 seasons I've seen, this one did have it's highlights.

- An injured Jenna, tearfully begs the tribe to keep her in the game, when she knows they have to vote her out because her injury makes her a liability in challenges. 

- Benji, the secret millionaire, played a great game and when an idol was played for someone he planned to vote out, he got the girl to change her mind and play it for herself. Thereby insuring the person he wanted out was going home that night. He was so smart, but the next tribal made a dumb move by lying to someone, stating the opposition had approached him to vote Brian off. Brian had just won immunity and asked "But why would she think she could vote me out? I won immunity?" That's when Benji realized he'd been busted in a lie and was voted out that night. On top of that boneheaded move, he didn't play his immunity idol even though he KNEW his name was getting voted that night. Dumb.

- The theme of this survivor was to get voted out with an idol in your pocket evidently. 4 people had that happen to them during the game. 

- One tribal came with a twist. The opposing tribal was there to watch and when the final vote was cast, the other tribal got to vote on whether they wanted to keep the person on their tribe instead or let them go. The tribe voted to let her go. The girls name was Teagan and it seems the producers tried everything to keep her in the game. This was the second twist that kept players in the game after being voted out and both times it happened when Teagan was voted out. The producers look at all the footage so they know who's getting voted out too. I don't know why they liked her so much, but it was pretty evident they were trying to protect her and allow her to go further in the show. 

- They had a "Dead Man Walking" twist this season, in which the tribe voted for someone to lose their next 2 votes in tribal. Don't know what the purpose was, but they ended up voting for the same person in back to back tribals to ensure this person would go home. So the "twist" fell flat. 

Did the pick the right champion? It's debatable. Shane won. She was a 61 year old Olympic champion who I'm glad got it, but played a TERRIBLE game never had control over the game. Sharn (the runner up) was the dominant one but so insufferable with her "honor" code that she was unlikely in the end. 

The jury pointed out her hypocrisy when they revealed she'd lied to her alliance and it let to a 4-3 vote with her barely missing out on the prize. 

During the after show, she called the jury's decision, "bitter" and accused them of making the vote "personal" which I was shocked to hear. 

Overall, it wasn't bad but again, not the best. 

I'm already on Season 6!

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