Sunday, May 01, 2022

The greatest comeback of all time?

 Played Twilight Imperium this weekend and was completely stonewalled by all the other players the entire game. 

It was a chore to get my first 6 points, then they shut me out of scoring ANY public objectives by taking my home planet. 

They even tried eliminating me from the game but because of my species race I was able to retreat and survive. It was sad. I took this picture in what I thought was our final round. My nephew had 9 points, Strategy Card #8 and was ready to win after everyone else went. There was nothing I could do to stop it. 

Until I somehow convinced everyone to go after him. 

They did and he ended up scoring no points, while I scored 2 secret missions that round tying up the game. 

I still had no way of scoring anymore points and was desperately looking for any plan to win out in the end....then the win came to me in the next round. 

Thanks to 2 players with AP that night the game had gone WAY over and it was 1:30am. The entire group (but me, who was in it to win it) was tired and wanted the game to end. And the fastest way to do that?

My species had a tech that forced players to give me a promissory note if they entered a space with me. 

Though they tried giving it to my nephew it isn't allowed any other time until the Agenda phase. So the group relented and handed me "Support for the Throne" to win. 

Most unbelievable comeback of all time. I'll never be able to do that again. And I know the next time I play, this group will do everything in my power to take me out. 

But until that day comes....the King reigns supreme. 

Hail to the King baby.     

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