Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Top 5 Vintage Games I want in my collection!

 Time to do an updated one of these since I got most of the ones from my previous list and there's others I'd rather have now instead. Ok, here goes!

5) This Waddington game has always been in my Top 10 but moves up because of a renewed interest in looking at getting this real time game where you have a limited amount of time to get customers served on a turn. No reviews out there for it which is why it's only at #5 on the list. 

4) The easiest and cheapest game to get on my list because it had a reprint not too long ago. I'll probably acquire it in a trade later this year but the game lives up to it's name by the look of it. Seems like it'd be fun to play. 

3) Now on to one of the hardest games to find online at the moment. I swear I saw this game a million times for sale on Ebay in the past but now can't find a single copy available today! I'll pop up again I know and when it does I'll probably take the plunge and purchase a copy for myself. 

2) One of the worst covers I've ever seen for a board game but the game looks like it'd be an absolute blast so I'm going to pick up a copy very soon for my collection. 

1) This supermarket game is WAY overpriced online but I'm working on making a trade for it online soon. Love the theme and can't wait to be the FIRST person to review it online when I eventually get a copy. 

Let's see how many of these I can get by the end of the year....

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