Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Another Vintage Game wish list

 Just thought of a few more!

In a way it's roll and move but the cards are in "trucker talk" you spin the CB Wheel and Smokey is not only in a car but in the air with a helicopter. It looks fun. 

A pick up and deliver with a storm piece that will pass over the boats. The cool thing is there are magnets on the boats and within the storm, so you may or may not lose your boat in the storm as it turns around if it matches up with a hidden magnet on the Storm piece. Super cool mechanism for a game. I think I'd like it. 

Like Mouse Trap but with more traps? It looks like the board forces you into those trap spaces too at times on the board so you get more bang for your game. I like the idea and the board looks amazing when set up!

Roll the die, move up the ladder to the castle but watch out! There's a black knight moving around at the top who will push your ladder off if he lands on your square forcing you to start all over again. Love the look of this game, though it never came out in the US and would be extremely hard to find I think. Still, it'd be nice to have. 

Can't believe I forgot about this one the first time through the list, but it's definitely on it! The gameplay looks incredible and the pieces are beautiful. The game's too expensive online but I'd still love to have a copy of it one day. 

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