Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Sequels I wish were never made

 Sometimes you just wish these movies never existed. Here's my Top 5!

I think this would be on everyone's list. You loved it when Tim Burton controlled the movies but soon after Batman Forever you got the feeling that things were getting off track. This movie was off the rails bad. They should've ended it after the 3rd movie. 

A sequel so bad that even I want get it to complete my collection. I never want to see this garbage movie again. An insult to the films that came before it and the TV series that moves afterwards. So far, this is the only movie yet to be referenced in the TV show. I hope they never do. 

The most embarrassing sequel in the series. This "prequel" is low budget unfunny garbage. Another one I wish never existed in a series of sequels that pretty much hold up well. 

Forget the even worse sequel that followed but this movie was an outright disaster. Honestly, stop the whole series on Salvation and I'm a happy guy with the franchise. Now? I could care less about it. And thanks to the most recent movie, so does everyone else. 

It's a shame this movie is included in what was a fantastic franchise! Honestly, this movie feels NOTHING like the others. It's boring, pacing is off and Bruce Willis is not even trying. I'm sure they had to use cgi to erase the check he was holding in his hands during takes for the amount of money he got paid to make this garbage. 

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