Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Dragon's Teeth

So last month Megan and I were shopping at Walmart when I saw a poster advertising a "new" book by Michael Crichton.It surprised me because, A) The author has been dead for years and B) I never heard he was working on a novel when he died.

Turns out this happened to be an unpublished novel he made back in the 70's but shelved it. I'm guessing the family found it and sold it for extra cash. Though I can't fault them for doing so (look at what the Tolkien kids have been doing for decades) I kinda feel it's unfair to Mr Crichton.

He didn't want the novel published. If he had it'd have been out years ago. But he decided it wasn't good enough and shelved it. Now reviewers are talking about how it doesn't "feel" like a book written by him or that it's "not his best work" which I think both comments are unfair.

I've read a few of Crichton's books and I think he's pretty good. I won't be reading this one though because Michael never wanted anyone to read it in the first place.

Now fans of his I'm sure were pleased to see him back in stores but as for me? I think I'll be happy with reading Jurassic Park and Lost World again instead.

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