Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Lord Savage
What a show! Without a doubt, my most favorite one ever to do! It's no secret. I've always been a huge fan of Jekyll and Hyde. I never thought however it would come to a community theatre. I remember my first day on Beauty and the Beast the director asked me. "Now Matt, what plays are you interested in doing?" My first response.."Jekyll and Hyde!"

He looked at me with a frown and said "Any others?"

This play was never a popular choice by any board members (and critics) since it is a (gasp) seriously dark play that has little to no humor in it!! It'll never make it!

Or at least that's what they said. After all but 2 shows being sell outs, I'm sure Hal (the director) was smiling at his board meeting last Monday. He beat the odds, amazed the critics and put me in the most unbelievable play ever!

True, I love Jekyll and Hyde which makes me slightly biased in my opinion here but if you got to do your dream play you'd be saying the same thing right now. Speaking of critics we were given another rave review this past weekend from someone on the LA Board of Fine Arts. Who admitted to never liking the Broadway version of the show but was amazed at how well our performance of it was. (I've posted the actual letter below)

In my short career, I've been proud to be a part in every play I had a role in. Whether it was Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast, Willard in Footloose or Speed in Oscar and Felix they all will bear good memories.

I'd like to thank Hal, the entire cast and everyone who got a chance to come down and see the play. I know a half hour drive to Bastrop from Monroe isn't fun (believe me, I've made the trip enough times) but I do appreciate you all.

Jekyll and Hyde was the perfect way to end it all. I have no regrets and will always remember my experiences in it.

Close the curtain, turn off the lights, and lock the doors on your way out. Matt has left the building.... smiling. : )

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