Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Ok so I had a video I filmed last night and was going to show everyone online this morning. Unfortunately the room was too dark to see what we did so I'll just tell you.

Every year for X-mas my family's tree is decorated with multi-colored lights and all sorts of awful ornaments with soley carry family values. In other words, an ugly tree.

This year my sister-in-law with the help of my sister, decided to have a different tree to celebrate around. This tree looks like something that came straight out of a lobby from a bank. It's boring.

So last night at 2 a.m. Dad, Jordan my grandmother and I decided to decorate it like it used to be. The end result? Success.

Christmas isn't ruined, the plan went thru without a hitch and my sister cried when she woke up and saw it the next morning. (hee hee)

Have a Merry Christmas folks!


Anonymous said...

You guys are awesome.

Merry Christmas!!

Emma Rose said...

you should at least post pictures...

kidcardco said...

Yes, I should've. Sorry. But I didn't get much sleep last night anyway so... there's my excuse.

Anonymous said...

That makes me happy. I always try to make a great tree (which I suppose means boring to you) but we always end up putting the colored lights on right along with the white ones. And sentimental ornaments? We've got masses. And 10-year-old candy canes, still in their wrappers. Actually, I was surprised that we had upgraded the candy canes this year...

Any other kind of tree just wouldn't fit our family! I'm glad to know that we're not the only family with an ugly, fun, Christmas tree.