Thursday, March 26, 2015

The "Glory" days of comics (4)

 Answer: I wouldn't buy his comic book. That's what would happen.
 And they're running away from you as fast as they can.
 Ha ha ha ha! I remember this comic cover!! I should have picked it up back in the day but I didn't get it either back then!
 I hear this is the plot for the 3rd movie.
 (sigh) And after this issue, all comics went downhill.
 She's talking about Nightwing. Dick Greyson. The first Robin. Who was on Teen Titans back then. You see she... you know what? Forget it.
 You said it Tim! Wait what?
 Everyone loves the Boy Wonder it seems.
 Where's Nathan Fillion when I need him.
Ha! He doesn't even crack a smile when he's saying it either. Love it!

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