Saturday, April 27, 2013

Towers of Midnight


Just finished Book #13 of the Wheel of Time series and Brandon Sanderson's STILL raising the bar from anything Jordan had written previously.

I hate to dog of Robert Jordan so much, but I now see where some of his flaws were. For one, it's obvious Jordan was influenced by the Father of Fantasy himself, JRR Tolkien. And try as he might, Jordan was no Tolkien.

He tried to be in his writing style but he really started coming up short the more books he wrote. Sanderson delivers an excellent balance of story telling that's used by just about every author today.

Instead of focusing on one character for 200 pages Sanderson balances them around chapter to chapter. He keeps you invested in each character as the story moves along. This type of delivery also speeds up the story in the mind of the reader.

Excellent delivery. Now let's see what he can do for the finale...

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