Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lost Years (2)

This clip show the DRC (Dirty Rotten Canuck) Jad, a young Will Barham, Miss Vickie Orr, and yes even me.. in a shirt I STILL wear to this day! (Hmmm... I'm not really sure if I can be proud of that)

In the clip I'm with Jessie and Carl as we're plotting on taking that couch into our dorm room. (we eventually did)

The last clip is of the Swedish kid who was their at the CWSC. (Christian Worldview Student Conference)


Anonymous said...

haha aww! Baby Matt!! How cute :)


kidcardco said...

Not SO cute! : (

Anonymous said...

I remember meeting you for the first time, and helping you move a much heavier couch...and we couldn't have done it without freaking Joel's brute strength...


kidcardco said...

Yeah.. and you wouldn't have descirbed me as "cute" then right? More like... Manly or cool!

Jad said...

Not cool man! haha

Vickie said...

And the second clip?? Wow!

So what about that skittles clip?