Friday, August 03, 2007

Frenzy FFF

I'm a little beat but let's see what I can whip up for you here real quick.

Did you know Telly Savalas and Louis Armstrong both died on their birthdays? How wild is that?! Oh wait... do you even know who Louis Armstrong or Telly Savalas is? Hmmm... forget it.

First off I'd like to apologize for everyone who hasn't received any e-mails from me this week. It's really been a tough week for me. I have to be honest. Life is... busy. But in a good way! I'm working on delivering some very exciting news in the near future but for right now it'll have to wait till the "Monday Morning Me" post.

Let's talk about other things shall we? Life is great, what can I say, it doesn't get any better than this. Things at work are awesome as always. I set up my 360 yesterday but can't figure out how to hook it up to my sound system yet. (something I may work on tomorrow) I put in my NCAA College Football game I just bought for it, watched the tutorial and put it right back in it's box to gather dust.

It's WAY to out of my league. I have NO idea how to play this game because it is so different from anything else I've ever played. I guess my only choice will be to trade it in for a 3rd of it's cost in exchange for some money off Halo 3. Which looks to be the only game I'll be playing it for.
(and all the sudden my 360 is not so special after all)

That was sad I can't deny. But I did hook up the old GameCube and play Mario Kart Double-Dash for the first time. It's a really fun game I just bought and I really like it.

OK. This is turning into an MMM already! I'd better stop while I'm ahead. Hey folks, have an awesome weekend.


Isaiah Eyre said...

It's people like you, Matt, that make me feel better about being a 25 year old single man. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! *shakes head*