Friday, February 23, 2007

FFF anyone?

Ever wonder why people say "God bless you." everytime you sneeze?

Back during the time of the Romans, Egyptians and Greeks, a sneeze meant that your death was slowly approaching. So the phrase "God help you" was said so as to help avoid your forthcoming doom. Years later Pope Gregory the Great would start insisting prayers of "God bless you" to be said whenever someone sneezed. And what do you know? It caught on.

Sneezes have also been considered lucky at times.

If you sneeze to your right.... lucky.

If you sneeze to your left... unlucky.

And if you sneeze to the front... you've probably ticked someone off royally.

Have a great... ah you know what I always say...


Anonymous said...

I never knew that!:)

kidcardco said...

That's why it's Friday's Fun Fact!

Anonymous said...

Ok so I've seen your videos on YouTube, and how you seem to like broadcasting being a dork, so I thought you might enjoy this:
Because I, too, enjoy being a dork.
Have a nice day. :)

Anonymous said...

"FFF" goes along well with "FOF"...

Anonymous said...

Hello Matt,
I 'found' your blogspot through Rose T....way out here in the NW! Just wanted to let you know I was 'takin' a peek' .... though some of your humor escapes this old brain...your "Now Hiring" comic of 9/06 I found quite funny...and a great idea...I have a son still home :) Thanks for the fun. Mrs. Morris (Melindas mom)

kidcardco said...

Hey Mrs Morris! How's it going? Glad you liked the comic. Don't worry, I think my humor escapes most people at times. They're just too nice to say anything. : )

Anonymous said...

Actually I liked most of them... and I have been accused as having humor that 'escapes most' so don't feel too bad. Looks like you have quite the following :)
Please tell your family "Hi!All y'all" for me. Your comics are quite funny but I MUST getsomething done around here :)
Thanks, Mrs Morris