Friday, January 05, 2007

Winter Coat!

Here I am wearing the latest style in fashion... ok. It's just me being a goofball about the new coat I got for X-mas this year. I like it. It's nice, and it keeps me warm.

Anyway, I have a good idea for next week. I have a few of those de-motovational posters I think I'll start posting once a week so as to put a little something extra into Monday's post.

Now it's the weekend. Have fun everyone and I'll see you next week!


Anonymous said...

heeey I recognize those curtains...

kidcardco said...

Of course you do. It's the only part of Hollie's house that's clean.

Anonymous said...

Way to make a woman cry, Matt. Real big of you.

Oh, Idaho said...

"I'm siiiiiiiiiinging in the raiiiiiiiin!"

kidcardco said...

Hollie doesn't cry anymore. Her tear ducts stopped working years ago. Trust me. I was there.

kidcardco said...

Ha ha ha, wuv u blonde!