Tuesday, January 16, 2007

At work 2 (part 1)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha I love it! Homo instead of mojo...I'm gonna use that sometime, somewhere, somehow.

Hey maybe this is old news but have you seen the "Chad Vader" videos? There are 5 episodes on YouTube and they are hilarious! Let me know what you think.

Happy New Year Matt (Mack) Daddy! :)

P.S. I would act in your Star Wars movie if you ever make one.

kidcardco said...

Jad! My favorite Canuck! I'll be sure to check those videos out. Tell the crew up there I said "hello" Ok?

PS- I'd cast you as the wookie. : )

Anonymous said...

Yes, As the serial killing Wookie with a "Scream" mask on.


kidcardco said...

Ha ha! RODGE!!! I'd almost forgotten about that!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha!! GOOD TIMES! I thought Roger was gonna punch someone out that night...it was awesome!

Man that makes me miss you guys.
