Monday, September 25, 2006


Here's a few pictures of what the first "Cardco" comics, kinda looked liked. The first is a re-make of what my cover looked like, except I think it just showed the flag and some ruins. The explosion was put in there for the 2004 calender I made that year.

And the 2nd one's a little faded but it's the first comic Patrick attemped to make way back in '93 Thanks for sending it to me Pat, Jeremy and I got a kick out of it! It was awesome. Though we never found out what happens in the end I've come up with my own ending..... a show-tune ending!

Ok folks, hope everyone had a great weekend. We have a brand new comic strip for you this week that I think you'll enjoy. So until then, have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

didn't know what the first drawing was...scary!!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a mushroom at first. lol no offense Matt.