Monday, March 20, 2023

Island of Secrets (review)

 Man oh man, this series gets better with each passing season!

I got A LOT to say about this one!

First off. they started with a reward challenge to gather food for the season (and unlike the American version these people all well fed during the game) but during the challenge everyone is blind except for the 3 people who were voted "the weakest" of their tribe. 

One guy immediatly saw that there was an immunity idol and has his team blindly deliver it to him with no one the wiser! Brilliant move! (and sadly the only one he would made for the entire game)

A former Ms South Africa was on the seaon and came close to winning (thanks to sour grapes from the tribal council) but thankfully didn't. They paired her up with another contestant from the beauty pageant that year who didn't even finish in the  first qualifing round. In her interview, Ms Cape Town made a vow to outlast her competitor this time, talking about how she was able to charm people in the pageant but Ms Cape Town would do a better job in the game.

She was the first voted off because she couldn't connect to her tribe while Ms South Africa had an allience with everyone after day 1. 

Set. Spike. Match. History repeats itself. 

A new twist this season was that the tribes would play for Immunity and Rewad at the same time. Two tribes got immunity but one got a bigger reward and 2nd place got a smaller one. Brillant aspect to add to the game!

This year held the "Island of Secrets" where the winning tribe (or winner of indiviual challenges) chose someone from the losing tribe (or just another castwaway during the individual game) to be sent away. The only problem were helping that person get an advantage in the game!

Here's a list of some of the rewards the island held:

1) Protection from tribal that night (meaning you wouldn't come back until after tribal the next day)

2) A reward stealing challenge (you replace a winner or someone they picked to go)

3) See family member early. (before the reward challenge)

4) Tons of food options. (I'm telling you, they feed them well)

5) An idol only good for the next tribal

6) 2 halves of an idol split between two players to use (trust was the key)

7) Option to choose a new tribe (after a shakeup)

8) Nothing (only happened once but each castaway used this story all the time and no one ever believed them)

When it became an indiviual game that's when Rob took complete control of the game. Out of the 14 people in the game, all but ONE thought they were going to the end with Rob. They obeyed whatever Rob said, told him about what other tribe members said. It was incredible to watch. 

Boston Rob is a joke compared to this guy. It was like seeing everyone fawn over a celebrity and promise him anything, while getting nothing in return. 

Dante was the only one who could see what was going on. The whole time he was in the game, he tried telling people about Rob. And as each of them left (Sherill, Goeff, Mmba) he tried warning them that they were going home that night and each of them refused to believe him. Dante was eventually voted off because Rob had enough of him, trying to destroy his game. 

Mmba even left the game with an idol in her pocket she'd just gotten. Dante warned her she was on the chopping block and she knew she was outside the allience with Rob but she STILL didn't play it because Rob (the god king) told her she was ok. 

Amazing idiocracy. 

Then we get to the "Misfit" allience. 4 poeple who thought they controlled the game....and were the worst players in Survivor history. 

Here's how they went down:

Tanya - No one liked her. Not even her allience wanted her. She was the first of the four voted off. 

Seeway - An outcast from her first tribe, when the merge happened Rob invited her back in and she despertly fawned for his attention and agreed. The whole time she kept saying how she was in charge of the game, so Rob voted her out to show her the real truth. She was pissed at the last tribal council about it and refused to vote for Rob who had correctly pointed out that she tried to betray his allience which was the reason she was voted out. 

Jacque- Maybe the biggest idiot on the season? Had several advantages and idols during the season and wasted them ALL during the game. He could never read his tribe or the situation. He was in the dark when making decisions and had ZERO impact in the game. His game was SO bad that no one talked to him his last remaining days before being voted off because he had pushed so many of them away. 

Duras - He made it to the end but only because he was the dumbest player ever to play the game. He followed Rob like a little puppy, reported any conspiracy against Rob. Rob loved that and kept him to the end because of it. But what makes him so stupid is when he found out the truth (that he was being used) he STILL voted however Rob asked him too in the end, even though he could've flipped on him and changed the game. 

Incredible ignorance. 

As expected, he received no votes in the end. 

Lastly is Latisha, an old woman they kept around because she couldn't win challenges and was unpopular with the others. She was even notified (at 6) that she wasn't going to the end, but refused to believe the truth until the voted her out exactly when they'd told her she'd be voted out. 

She was pissed. But I still don't know why. She was TOLD she would be going home at 4! 

As aggravating as it was to watch, it was amazing to see Rob have that much control in the game. Never seen anything like it. 

Even in her final speech, Ms South Africa shot herself in the foot when she bragged about being the person who devliered all the information to Rob the entire game. Making her look like the biggest tool in the game. It was hilarious. 

Great season. Onward to the next!

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