Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Top 5 Board Game bling I want!

There's very few games I pimp out with "board game bling" but if I were to have a little extra money to burn, I'd surely spend it on these:

5)  Deluxe tokens for Francis Drake would look nice in the game though cubes do well, the quality of the barrels really outshines everything else. One day this may be worth getting because those canons look sweet!

4) Chest tokens for the game Descent would really make this game pop! The beautiful artwork and minis would benefit from having such bling!

3) Catan deluxe bits would be nice too. I've looked at these a few times but never pulled the trigger on them but there's always been something better to spend my money on. I do love me some Catan, and these token would only increase that love!

2) The (out of print) Spartacus Game Mat. I have no idea why I didn't get this back when it came out. now it's near impossible to find and for it to be one of my favorite games of all time, it hurts I didn't pick this up the moment it came out.

1) These BEAUTIFUL tokens for Grand Austria Hotel are always on my wish list every year. I ALMOST got them last year but held off. If I can avoiding buying games for a while, I'll reward myself and get them around X-mas. SO nice looking!

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