Saturday, March 17, 2018


It was all over the news the past few weeks so I thought I'd go ahead and mention it but last week Joy Bahr mocked Christians and their faith, referring to Vice President Pence's religion as a "mental illness"

Of course this outraged people but her forced 5-second apology didn't come out until a week later and it was obviously forced.

She looked like one of those kids who pushed another one down on the playground and called him names, only to be called out by his mother and forced to apologize. You've seen it, heck I've ever been the one giving the apology as a kid!

You're not sorry, you're just pissed you didn't get away with it and you try to change the subject so that no one brings it up again. That's EXACTLY how she sounded. And people should find that VERY unsettling.

It's sad that in a world that "upholds" the standard of treating everyone fairly, that when it comes to Christians, they really don't care what they say about them. I have no doubt if she'd said Muslims are mentally ill, she would have been fired from the show.

Incredible to see the double standard we have today in the media. 

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