Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cruise 19


Anonymous said...

Ahhh. The effects of wind and sun.

Isaiah Eyre said...

"It hurts to breathe" - that is too funny!

Anonymous said...

Once, when Mom and Dad were on a vacation, I stayed at a friend's house for two weeks. We went to the river for several days in a row and got REALLY burnt. So we decided to go swimming at night -- to cool off ya know? But the mosquitoes were so bad, that we got bit over the top of the sunburn, and the bites swelled up to the size of half-dollars. And we had to go to church the next day. The only place that wasn't burnt was underneath my glasses, so it looked like I had raccoon eyes. We were sticking to the sheets with aloe vera gel that night and I'm sure I suffered brain damage... That explains a lot, come to think of it.

kidcardco said...

You can actually seen some of that sun-tan in that pic I posted yesterday. But yeah... I learned an important lesson that day.