Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day 15 of Thanksgiving

So easily the thing I'm most thankful for I had to ave for last. My family.

My Mom and Dad are the most supportive and loving people I know. I'm thankful for all the life lessons and caring they've provided for me over the years.

My brothers will always be considered my best friends and even little sister I'm proud to call her all the same.

One of the biggest and best things about this holiday is the chance to spend an entire day together, either around the table or TV, it's always a fun time and usually the best of my entire year.

I hope you've enjoyed these posts. I know I have. There's so much to be thankful for in each in every day so tomorrow, celebrate this holiday by truly giving thanks for everything in your life as well.

Thanksgiving Eve is upon us....and I'm super excited!!

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