Monday, May 11, 2009

Last Call Movie Round Up!

Today I'm going to just talk about a few good films that don't really seem to fit any catagory I've covered before. Here we go....

Truth or Consequences N.M. is a fantastic film. Rent it. Love it. This is pre-24 Kiefer too. Not that he's bad now, but you don't see his "Jack Bauer" character in the film. It's good stuff. I bought it when I saw it at Wal Mart for only $5. *what a steal!)

Best scene? The "quarter" scene. (I won't spoil it for ya!)
Grosse Point Blank is another film that just doesn't get old. This action comedy really needs to been seen more than once to get all the humor placed in it through out the film.  I never tire of seeing this flick.
Battle Royal. Banned in the U.S. for years (which is why I got it in the first place) This classic puts a school of kids on a deserted island to duke it out to the end using a wide assortment of weapons they were given in the begining. It's a foreign flick of course and confusing at times, but really a neat idea that came out way before the Steve Austin "copycat" movie.

Best Scene: When the kid pulls his weapon out of the backpack.... a trash can lid.
Boondock Saints. So good they're finally making a sequel! The story is of two brothers who get caught up in a "mafia" blunder and go on the hunt as hitmen to take them all out. But they soon discover that though they've never done anything like this before.... they're quite good. Why? Find out and watch....

Best Scene: Their final confrontation with the "6-man" army. 
The Usual Suspects. Chances are you've already seen this movie so I won't talk about it much. Great story, great acting, great ending. You can't go wrong with this one!

Best Quote: "And like that.... he's gone"

Finally, the one at bottom (won't let me type below the pic) Is "Way of the Gun" Same great story like all the others but an interesting chain of events, plus great action, PLUS great ending make this movie well worth your time.


hollie said...

I remember you and I renting Boondock and hoping it didn't suck. Good call. Never get tired of that one.
Truth or Consequences NM makes me cry everytime.

Anonymous said...

Battle Royale (FTW)
Novel (great)
Manga (pretty darned good)
Movie (never saw it... now I must)

Unknown said...

I went and saw Way of the Gun in theaters. It has one of the best opening sequences ever, and some of the best gunfights since the old west.