Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Time Out

Hi folks,

As a couple of you know I've been experiencing a lot of stomach pains from time to time. They've continually gotten worse and I went to see the doctor yesterday about it finally and it seems as though it's a little worse than expected.

I don't really want to go into detail about it all now, but they will have to operate on me soon. The doctor said he'd have a date for me to come in ASAP next week to get it done.

Please pray for me as I'm a little worried about going under the knife. The doc says that if everything goes well (and they're expecting that) I should be safe. But just in case... you know.

I'm also afraid I'll be unable to post on my blog for about a week or so. So if anyone wants to write me an e-mail, I'll post a special address under the "comments" section to send it to.

Thank you for your prayers, see you again soon!


kidcardco said...


pard1959 said...

You got me!

Now, if you'll watch the video of us at Mikey's again, you'll notice I didn't edit all my laughs out. I cracked up (on camera) in the kitchen after the fight and after you found out about the peanut butter. See for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Aww.....I just love your sense of humor.....except when you tug on those heart strings. You have no idea how worried I was reading that note!
I miss you, Matt! You should come to GA for a visit.....we would all love to see you!

~Vickie Orr~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You got me really good on that one. I should have been expecting that, but as I was reading this I was just so sad. This was good! Congratulations...you fooled me!

Kimber said...

You know what's funny is that I had JUST said to Tony "Wait a minute, today is April Fool's. I better watch out". I hang up the phone, go to your site, and got worried. I'm such a chump! I still love you though.

hollie said...

I didn't believe you for a minute. Learned my lesson the hard way. You probably laugh about that every year around this time. Jerk.

Anonymous said...

Um. Not for a second, Buttercup. I think I know you too well.

Anonymous said...

MATT! Jerk. = D

Cathy Burgess said...

Fooled me too!