Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cruise 4

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Isaiah Eyre said...

ROFLMAO!!!!!! 4th bottle of A-1 sauce... wow. I love that stuff too, but, four bottles??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! Matt, the really sad thing about this is I actually believed it happened!!

Emily said...

I stand as a witness: I've seen Matt go behind the waiter's counter at a restaurant to retrieve his own bottle of A-1 because our waiter wasn't quick enough. He then poured the bottle's ENTIRE contents on his steak. The man eats it like gravy!

kidcardco said...

what can I say? I love my A-1 sauce!

Anonymous said...

Extreme diet makeover -- $0 (and 18 lbs)
Water slide on deck 3 -- $0 (after the initial cruise fee)
Seeing the look on Matt's face as he choses a fourth bottle of A-1 sauce over a hot chic? -- Priceless.
Baby -- that makes me like you more.

Isaiah Eyre said...

I used to always pour A-1 on my steaks until I learned how to make a good steak. I still like it with roast, though. ;-P

Anonymous said...

We would like to know who went with you on the cruise???