Friday, January 31, 2025

Ye Olde Toys (2)

 Time to look at a few more toys that time forgot!

I can't believe I found a picture of this toy. I couldn't remember the name of it but I remember the DAY we got them. They were either battery powered or wind ups that you could release, let the wings flap and have it sail across your yard before dropping to the ground. 

The only problem was, these things broke easy. It was cheap plastic (I guess for weight purposes) and the wings easily broke. We didn't have these long. 

Did you have a "crib play" growing up? We had this EXACT one back in the day! It would strap on to the crib and the baby could play with it while they lay down. I remember my siblings playing with it in their cribs but am not sure if I had it growing up too. Probably. 

Let's move on to bath toys. We all had the Fisher Price men in boat I'll bet but I know for a fact we also had that turtle too. I mean, a guy riding a turtle in the bath tub....what??? But we played with it so I guess it worked. 

Any finally, who can forget the wind up fish that could swim across the water for a short time. My grandmother had this exact one at her house and it was something I remember playing with during many a bath at her house. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ye Olde Toys (1)

 Time to take a walk down memory lane and recall a few toys from my childhood!

Kicking things off with this baby rattle, that had a mirror on the other side. I thought this was the lamest toy. Mom kept it around for all my sibling and I remember NONE of them being interested in it at all. Mind you, Mom and Dad saved this toys during the move, instead of every single action we had in the 80s. 

This toy mom still has TODAY at her house and the babies still love it. It spins and has 4 sides that consists of different activities babies can do. Even the horn button on the top of toy works today. I'm telling you, Fisher Price made toys to last forever back in the day!

 We had these connect links for some time too growing up. I'd idly sit around house plugging these in and out pulling them out when I was bored or watching something. We eventually lost or threw them all away in the end. My sibling tended to gnaw on the connectors and ruin them. 
What house in the 80s didn't have these? Snap them together to make a chain and impossible for any kid 6-36 months to pull apart. I believe they still make them today. I remember these got lost fast around the house. To my knowledge, they were already gone before we moved away. 

See you tomorrow with more!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Deadwood Movie Review

 I'm unfamiliar with the story behind it but for whatever reason, they made a movie 13 years after the show ended. It takes place 10 years after the last episode of the show. 

One thing that makes me laugh is the obvious shift in how TV is now than what it used to be. During flashbacks, the nudity isn't show. Gone are the days with HBO proudly showed nudity. In this age of "modern modesty" shows have now. Where showing a woman nude is frowned upon. 

I don't mind that either, I just find it funny one of the most iconic scenes in the entire show, is when a naked woman shoots the main villain is now considered "not right" to show anymore in 2019. In fact, the movie have "after sex" people fully clothes in bed for each scene. I find it hilarious. 

The movie has some key deaths, a few closures of character arcs. Some relevant and one pointless. The main villain sort of gets his comeuppance, but its unsure whether or not he got away with his crimes or not. 

This is a nice ending, yet not as satisfying as I'd thought they'd try to make it. Maybe there were hopes of another film? At this point, I think we've seen the last of Deadwood. A shame, a few tweaks in the story and this could've been one of the best shows on TV. 

In the end, it's just one of the better ones.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Deadwood (Review)

 I tried this years ago in 2007 after it had wrapped. I watched the first episode, hated it and stopped. 

But trying it's excellent. Well down. What a cast! There's so many familiar faces in this show it's amazing they all were in this show. 

There is a storyline but not all characters are given an arc. Nor do they need one. Just the everyday happenings around Deadwood are enough to intrigue me to the show. 

It's doesn't really "end" but I suppose that's what the movie was for. 

At this point I haven't seen it, but planning to watch it right after this, so I'll give my final thoughts on it all tomorrow.

Is it worth watching? Absolutely!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Silo Season 2 Review

 What a disappointment. They have strayed so far from the novels at this point, I have to pretend this is a "what if" story from the original. 

And the changes they've made are outright ridiculous! In the novels, there's a prequel/sequel going on around this time with the big change being that you never knew half the story was a prequel until the end! But they've totally given up on that part of the story and in return made up a silly angle that is so boring, I started playing games on my phone for those parts of the show. 

The only saving grace this season is Steve Zahn as Solo. He's perfect for the role. I can't imagine anyone else in that part. 

Will I watch season 3? Sure. But at this point, I'll be holding my breath to see what else they get wrong.  

Friday, January 24, 2025

Summer days of the 80s

 There were a few things you got so see around my neighborhood back in the day!

Willy Water was a staple in our summer days as kids. You hooked him up to the garden hose and watch his hair go wild, spraying water everywhere. Sure it was a sprinkler for kids but we loved it all the same. 

Now the other was a slip and slide (which we had) but the one I pined for as a kid was Crocodile Mile. It had a ramp and a splash pad at the end of the slide and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. We never got one as a kid and neither did anyone I know. Now I'm too old to enjoy the splash pad and can only imagine what fun I missed not having this as part of my childhood. 

Missed opportunities. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

TeePublic Wish List: Part 2

 Gotta love some Calvin and Hobbes. I already have one shirt with them on it but this is another classic image from the best comic strip of all time! Someday, it will be in my closet. 

If you know get it. The day Randy Johnson hit a bird with a high speed pitch by accident. The bird flew into the pitch at just the right time. It hit so hard it literally knocked all the feathers off the bird. 

This is something that will likely never happen again. I. Love. This. Shirt. 

And finally, something every Mets fan will never forget. The day Bartolo Colon hit a homerun. The man who always struck out and couldn't connect to the ball if his life depended on it. 

In his forties and out of shape, he took a cut at a ball that carried out of the stadium and the rest is the stuff of legends. Check it out on YouTube. Best homerun EVER!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

TeePublic Wish List: Part 1

 I love me some teepublic! 

I own several of these specialized shirts and even have a short list of the ones I'm eyeing for my next purchase. Here's a few:

Used to play this old computer game all the time. The game played liked normal but the pieces were animated and would carry out a mock battle, with the attacker always winning. It was pretty funny to watch and impossible to beat the computer on "Easy" mode. This was back in the day when "easy" was a lot harder than it is now. 

Lots of good memories with this one. 

The Constitution Party is the 5th largest political party in the US today. And the one who's candidates I usually vote for. Though this years presidential candidate was weak and not worth my vote, I'll be interested to see who runs in four years. Hopefully someone with a spine. The last 3 candidates have been lacking in quality. 

The League is one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. This Shiva bomb is CLASSIC and around the house only my brother would get this reference but it doesn't matter. This is a tee I'd proudly wear anywhere, as onlookers gaze in confusion at its meaning. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 Was watching an episode of Batman '66, there were several references to people drinking buttermilk for lunch. 

I looked into it and supposedly it was at the height of its fad for folks to drink buttermilk with their meals. In fact, I know of a lot of older people who used to do it. Though not as popular today I decided to pause Batman and go out for the weirdest impulse buy the show has ever seen. 

It's not bad. An acquired taste for sure but not unbearable. But I probably won't be buying some again anytime soon. Though I won't say never. It did start to grow on me after a while and it is good for you too so there's that. 

Batman and Buttermilk....who knew?

Monday, January 20, 2025

Breaking Bad Minisodes

 I love this show...and had no idea these even existed!!

To tell the truth, the first few are just so-so but when it gets to Better Call Saul's commercials....pure gold. This is one that's worth watching if you're a fan of the show. Easily seen on YouTube. So much fun! I was laughing hard at the entire second half of these. 


Which empowered me to go looking for more....and I'll talk about those later this week. 

Where the deals are

 Been noticing something the past few months. 

Dollar Tree isn't where the best deals are anymore. In fact, I can find cheaper options for everything I usually got there. So I've stopped going there whenever I visit Brookshires next door for groceries. 

At the other end of it, I've found better deals on certain items at Dollar General and Family Dollar than anywhere else (including Wal-Mart) Really surprised to see some "sleeper" deals coming from these two overlooked stores. 

Check the flyers and you'll see what I mean. In fact, this is where Megan and I usually pick up snacks for a trip for myself and the family now. I'm also more inclined to visit these stores when I'm looking for more unique sodas to get...and they cost less than anywhere else!

Worth checking them out in your area sometime if you haven't in the past. You might be surprised!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Energy Drink issues

 It looks like I've run out of places to get my discounted energy drinks! Ollie's has been a boon for me recently because they've been offering great selections of my favorite discontinued Bang drinks. But it looks like that's finally drying up as I haven't seen them get anymore in, in the past month. 

So what now? I'm thinking I could just go to zero sugar colas instead. Cheaper for one and maybe I can drink one faster than a regular energy drink. 

I'll keep looking at various vendors for a deal but this was my last week for my supply (which runs out this weekend) So I'll be making a decision soon. 

Have a good one folks!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Trampoline time

 My mother in law got us a trampoline for Xmas. It's fun for the kids and tires them out. it also encourages them to be outside more which is good. 

I remember wanting one as a kid, that was back in the day before they had covers for the springs. Anyone old enough remembers what is was like to try and hop off while others were jumping only to have your legs pinched to death as you exited the trampoline. 

I understand why they have netting now, but if you're my age you also remember the "awesome" landings you had jumping off into the grass (or better yet, a pile of leaves in the fall)

Even as I was older, we used this for our backyard wrestling matches and I dreamed of jumping off my roof onto a trampoline to see how high I could get. 

Now someone would have to threaten to kill one of my kids before I attempted such a stunt.

The wrestling however....let's say I'm  just waiting for someone to throw down the challenge for my belt. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Stairs to your health!

 Just read about how stairs can check how healthy you are. Climb 4 flights in a minute and a half or less, you're in good shape. 

While visiting someone at the hospital and hating the time it takes to climb stairs, I've bolted up four flights in less, so I guess that puts me in good shape. 

The other test I saw was someone asking how many you can skip in one step. More than one determines how healthy you are. At my house, I take them 2 at a time so as to get up quicker. 

Maybe I'm just impatient instead of healthy now that I think about it. Either way, I'm happy I haven't slowed down yet climbing steps. 

On the other end, steps can be deadly for seniors. Recently, someone I know died going down them. Whether it was a slip or s stroke that led to the accident, it still is dangerous to allow the elderly to walk steps alone. 

So does my house also contain my demise or the key to a healthy life?

I'm bored today if you can't already tell.   

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Wire (review)

 I see this on EVERY list of "TV's Greatest Shows" and it's always in the top 5. 

I remember trying it out years ago but after the first episode, hated it and stopped. 

My brother is currently watching it through a second time and LOVES this show, so I decided to give it another try. 

I made it through season one...I'm done. 

This show sucks, I have no idea why people love it so much. There was not a SINGLE interesting character in the entire show. It's slow, the writing is bad and that this keeps coming up as "one of the best TV shows" is a sham. 

I won't be giving this series a third try. Done.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Gladiator 2 (review)

 Wow. Ok, here we go. 

The movie is good. I'm shocked. 

The worst part about it was whenever they tried to tie it to the first movie. 

Honestly. Shocked. 

They should have just made this a separate movie. It's the first time I've enjoyed a performance from Denzel Washington since "Fallen"

I thought the movie was fun...just not when it tried to tie itself to the first movie....which was better. 

Still....worth watching. 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Squid Games 2 (review)

 I loved the first season but this season? It's just not the same. 

I understand they can't copy what they did in the first season, but to be honest....I only cared about the games and the people who were eliminated each round and getting to know all the characters who played and died during it. That's all. 

The whole police story is boring. I get it. But lost my interest. The only time I looked up from my phone was when they were playing the games and dying. Other than that....I was watching me beat my high score in Temple Run. 

I hope season 3 ends on a high note but at this point....I'm doubtful. 

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Diet Time

 Yes, it's that time once again to start trimming the waste line! 

This year I'm trying something completely different. I'm expanding the diet to several foods and including more cardio than ever before. 

The diet will be much longer (since it's so lighter) but after the first 6 weeks will only a "cheat day" and then 2 cheat days after the next 6. From there it will probably hold. 

My rules for the cheat days are that if I ever "skip" I can bank it for another day down the road. For example; there's a birthday party on Wednesday but that isn't my regular cheat day. So I use one that I'd skipped earlier and use it then. 

I plan on saving up "cheat days" for our 2 week beach vacation, and Xmas vacation. Fingers crossed, if this actually works then a diet may not be needed next year. But we'll see how that goes. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Outside chance at #1 on the Vintage list

 Today I want to talk about 5 more games on my Vintage list that are on the outside looking in, at being #1 on my list.

The McDonald's Game

Classic game which nabbed the very first #1 spot when I created the list. Since then, it's kicked around and outside the Top 10 but never been able to achieve #1 again. With 5 games being removed from the list, this is almost certainly a Top 10 game but #1? The only chance it has is if I actually get a game going INSIDE an actually McDonald's and even then, it's tough to say if that would work. 


My girls favorite game to play and I love playing with them. That's why it made the Top 10 last year. But #1? I don't know. I admit, playing with my kids is special and this classic is good too but I'm not sure if the 2 of those combined can push this game all the way to the top.


This is my wife's favorite game and its the only game we play as a family. Again, just like Memory. this game has a lot going for it for the same reasons I mentioned earlier. And just like Memory, it has the same things going against it as well. I think this game will be in my Top 10 again, but that's about it. 

Star Wars Duels

This game is GREAT. The only problem is....Queen's Gambit is better. For that reason, #2 is the highest I ever see this one going. I love battle game. So much fun playing characters from the original and prequel trilogy against each other. And the more players, the better! But's no Queen's Gambit. 

Omega Virus

Great coop game that will benefit from the 5 other game which have left but doesn't have a serious path to victory for 2025. It could go as high as making it into the Top 5 but I think the other games I listed previously, can all beat this one. 

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

NEW Vintage #1??

 Now with Start-o-matic Baseball in my regular list, it makes an opening for the new game to take the title this year! 

But who will it be? Here are my thoughts on the 5 games that could claim it:

Star Wars Queen's Gambit

Obviously this is the clear frontrunner. It's been #1 before and ended up as #2 on the list. I love this game. It's incredible and will never be reprinted again. It's a classic, and deserved of that #1 spot for 2025.

Battle Cry

But if any game could topple Queen's Gambit, it's this one. It's been #1 and #2 in the past. It's an amazing battle game that my group does enjoy playing. Even Megan's played it with me a few times, which always helps. Depending on how many times I can get it to the table will determine whether it climbs to the top of not. 

Battle Ball

Football of the future!! This 2 player game has come close every year to grabbing the coveted #1 spot but has come up short. It has stiff competition but with beautiful figures and an exciting game every time I play, it does have an outside chance to skip the line to the front. 

Pro-Action Football

Another 2 player soccer game that captured #1 years ago but has failed to win it back since. It doesn't get to the table as much as it once did, but I'd be remiss not to add it to the list, since it IS in my Top 5 at the moment and has a good a chance as any to claiming the top spot once again.


This card game made it to the top of my list one year when my family played it during out beach vacation. I had SO much fun, I had to bestow upon it the #1 spot. This Christmas we were supposed to play but Die Hard replaced that plan in the short time it took me to drive home and grab 7 packs of cards. BUT if we play epic games over the summer, this one has a clear path to the top of the list. 

Monday, January 06, 2025

Vintage Board Game Promotions!

 Decided to bring 5 games from my Vintage list up to the main list this year to compete with the other games in my collection. 

Here's my thoughts on the five selected for the "big leagues"

 Strat-o-Matic Baseball

A former #1 on my list in the past, I removed it because I wasn't playing a full season anymore, which meant it was going to fall big time on my list. It finally grabbed the #1 spot on the Vintage list last year and since I'm now playing full seasons again, I've decided to bring this classic back to go head to head with Twilight Imperium 4 to see which one will be #1. At this point I have no idea what's going to happen because I love both games so much. But it will be exciting to see!

Thunder Road

The moment I played the remake from Restoration Games, I knew this game was ready for the big leagues. This could very well end up being a top 30, top 20 game for me at the end of the year. I've had so much fun playing it. The crazy insanity that comes around when playing it, never gets old. And with my Kickstarter All-In pledge, I'm STILL not done exploring all the content within!

 Can't Stop

This game came close several times to grabbing my #1 spot on the vintage list but kept coming up short. I think it'll be an easy top 50 on the regular list this year. The push your luck, element of the game is the reason this is still in print today. It has zero set up too. Which makes it a fast fun option at game nights. I expect to play this game more this year than previous ones now that's it's made the move to this list. 

Fireball Island

When I bumped Thunder Road up, I knew this one had to move up with it. The only problem is that this game isn't as good as the ones mentioned above. In fact, I may be moving this one from my collection completely if my method of "breaking" the game is true. 

My strategy is to grab either the Jewel or the snake idol and head straight back to the helipad to end the game early and grab the lucky penny. By the time I make it back to the helipad, the 3 cataclysm cards have usually been played (since there's so many in the game) I also, play mine each time I have one to ensure the game ends quick. 

There's never enough time for people to aquire more points to beat me in the end too since I aquire 2 of the most expensive items in the game. I just did it again last year.

It's sad, because I really do love this game. I'd consider a house rule to prevent me from ending the game early but even then would it be worth keeping, knowing what I know? I guess I'll find out this year. 

Conquest of the Empire

I had this game even BEFORE I was into board games that much. I loved it and would play it all the time by myself when Megan and I were first married. Back in the day when I could aquire 6 people to a game night, we played some great games of this. But these days I'm lucky to get 3 and the magic just isn't there. 

This is a standard, roll/fight game. But where it shined for me was in who you put your trust in for alliences and WHEN you broke that trust. (because in the end, there can be only one) Betray your partner to quickly and you're toast. But wait too late and they'll betray you. It's a nice balance I've always enjoyed. (and died by in the game) But I believe I might have outgrown this game over the years and if that's true, I need to part ways with it to leave room for other games to enter my collection. 
So this is another game on the "bubble" for 2025. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

12th Day of Christmas: Santa Bowl 2025!!


When: Saturday Dec 13th 2025

The holiday tradition continues at the end of the year! 

Will the Adults finally pull off a win? Will they score more than once in the game?

The teams this year will remain unchanged, since no one is switching over this year. I was hoping we change it to Married vs Single but I think that's going to be a hard sell. 

Either way, I'm looking for to the game! 

For the final time MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!

It's been a great season and I look forward to the next one to come!

Saturday, January 04, 2025

11th Day of Christmas: Carry On

 Watched this one last month and it's probably the best new Christmas movie I saw this year. 

Great thriller that keeps you engaged the entire time. The villain is one of the best too. The whole movie had "Die Hard" vibes but I wouldn't call it an "action movie"

It IS worth watching however. The only laughable thing about the film is the "importance" of TSA in this movie. They're obviously trying to make the role look more important than it is, but it plays off like a Paul Blart that's unaware of the joke. 

Anyway, worth seeing!  

Friday, January 03, 2025

10th Day of Christmas: Klaus

  2nd year in a row watching this and the movie just got better!

Seriously, if you've never watched this one, you should. Storytelling at its BEST. Good humor in a story that never slows down or loses your interest. 

Top 5 Christmas movie of all time for me. 

Excellent stuff! 

Thursday, January 02, 2025

9th Day of Christmas: Holiday Pie

 Something I tried last month just out of curiosity was McDonald's Holiday Pie. 

It's basically vanilla pudding, wrapped in their pies, with a frosted cover with crushed candy pieces on top. 

Not really that special of "joyous" to consume. Then again, this is McDonald's and I should've known. But I couldn't help myself. 

Now I know....and I can warn everyone else from this experience not to waste their money on it. (though I feel most people wouldn't in the first place)

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

A day wasted

 Man. First day of the new year, last day I'm off work and I had NOTHING to do today. 

Cleaned house and went to start my workout for 2025. The whole time shaking my head because I had nothing else better to do. 


Feel I wasted the day. 

8th Day of Christmas: Happy New Year!

 Alright. Let's do this!

2025 Goals:

1) Clear out garage. Get rid of TONS more junk!!

2) Head back to the gym after a 4 year hiatus. 

3) Bring more people into my game group (any takers?)

There's mine. What's yours?