Friday, December 04, 2009

So I went into a video game store last week wondering where it was when I lost my love for video games.

Sure I still play one from time to time but in the past few years (shortly after Halo 3 came out) my game playing days have faded significantly.

Some of it was due to time, which I don't have much set aside for gaming. But I think another reason is that they really don't make games like they used too.

Zelda, Contra, Double Dragon, Mario Bros. Who remembers games like that which never got old playing again and again. Remember when all that was required was an A and a B button?

Where did video steer away from my competitive playing heart? How bout you? Agree or disagree?


Anonymous said...

I don't know.... we still play almost every night. The "taco" more than me but we still play with the same old people from here in Az. Sometimes that kid in NY still plays with us. And you"ll have to tell your brother that we miss him from time to time! Oh the good ole days.... still miss them. Oh and by the way I just found a few of your old comics and still got a kick out of the asian monkey and Wellington!!!


kidcardco said...

Ha ha! Iron Monkey and Wellington! CLASSIC!!

I've been meaning to write the sequel to those in some time. Perhaps I'll have to look into doing that soon!

Anonymous said...

Wellington??? What the?

kidcardco said...

Perhaps I should reveal to the world, the who the Wellington Character is?

Anonymous said...

Ah, the land of the free!
You have the right to free speech as long as you speak English.

Anonymous said...

Its all in the manual they make you read before they download your being into those tiny bodies in those dark wombs.

Anonymous said...

Money is so intangible, its almost like a promise and a piece of paper.