Thursday, February 15, 2024

Twilight Imperium (2nd game of 2024 breakdown)

 This past weekend I (once again) brought this epic game to the table with the same group I did last time. 

Last month they almost beat me and if it weren't for one mistake I would've lost for sure. Because they were so close to beating me, these kids were aching for a chance to take me on again and I always welcome the challenge. 

I'll be honest, I was having doubts at first that I could hold them back a second time since now they had experience....but that didn't become the case at all because this game did to them what it does to everyone...make you forget the strategy to win.

They insisted on picking out their own races this time. The reason that I don't allow that in my games is because it makes the game feel repetitive when  people play with the same races. That's why we choose blind each game. 

So I decided to meet them in the middle and took a random stack of tiles, letting them decide between which races they wanted, while I picked blind. 

And just as expected...they all picked warrior races. 

The common misconception with this game is that you win by military might. Have the biggest army and you can achieve any goal the game picks out for you. But that's not how TI4 works. 

I was lucky enough to pick a race that was NOT of the warrior class and knew from their on, I was going to win the game. 

Final score? I got to 10 before any of them got to 3. While they spent their entire time fighting one another and building up their precious armies, I was scoring objectives left and right. 

Another "W" for the game where I reman largely undefeated. 

However, there's a couple who have a plan to take me out and asked to play it next time they're over. So once again, I'll answer the challenge and see how long my win streak lasts!

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