Friday, December 18, 2015

Vintage Toys (1)

As Xmas approaches I think back to when I was a kid and toys were the number one thing on my list! These days you don't see many kids playing with toys anymore. It's all about the electronics. And though that's not a bad thing, it's still sad not seeing the younger generation, using their imaginations as I did, in the back yard with a couple of action figures.

So for the next few days I'd thought I'd share with you a few toys I remember from my past. Some I owned and some my neighbors had.

Here goes!

 I used to push these down and race them across my mom's kitchen floor!
 I can't recall the name of these but they were cool for building monster alien spiders for my action figures to battle!
 Ah the "travel" games! This one was fun because when you wound him up, you never knew where it would go!
 Remember this thing? You put paper on top rub a pencil over it to make the design you wanted! I'd forgotten all about this one, until researching for this post!
I remember this guy too. From Tomy Toys. It was called "High Rolleys" they even had a Giraffe (which I believe we had as well) it was one of those push down and roll toys.

I'll show more next week!

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